Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fatty Cat

Instead of saying "days" I'm going with "Number".... I just can't seem to get on here every day, and the days where I can and choose not to, is because I don't feel clever enough.

The 9th thing that I am grateful for is my cat.
He's amazing. Just a cuddle bug of love. Right now he's sitting in the window next to me, watching the birds. He makes funny faces when he gets to look out side. This is rare for him. He's not supposed to be upstairs. However, my dad is gone so he can pretty much do whatever he wants. Don't tell my dad I said that.
But really.... Albert is our comedian.
His favorite toy is a green ear plug.
He's the most obnoxious when he thinks he's starving to death. Fatty cat.
He's adorable because he follows me every where. He even sleeps under the blankets, head on the pillow- right next to me- at night.
He's smart because when Josh enters the room he immediately submits to him.
He's a jerk because he thinks the hot iron chord is a toy.
He's a tool when he randomly attacks me. Apparently the chain of command goes Josh, him then me.

All in all... he's great and I love my fatty cat. He's great company.

That's enough about my cat.

So... three days ago was my 23rd birthday. It was a good time. I got to see almost everyone whose important to me.

Josh kicked off my morning with breakfast in bed, coffee and flowers. We worked out. He went to work. My mom picked me up and took me to the store to pick out a dessert (Cheesecake). I got some monies to spend as I wish. A rare thing, indeed. I had grandma's homemade tacos with my mom, Chris, Evan and my dad. Then I ended my night at the Tavern with a few pals. It was a busy day, but it was fantastic.

Since then I've been exhausted. We have three more weeks at work before it's officially the summer session and we get a new schedule. The winds of change are blowing.

It's a beautiful day.

Well, that's all I got....

Here's a picture of the fatty cat. So.... classy

Peace and blessings.

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