Friday, June 3, 2011

Chaos in Transition

I feel like I'm always in transition.
I haven't lived in the same house for more than a year since I was 16. All those years later, I feel chaotic. I've never renewed a lease and now I find that I'm getting restless for stability. I want to settle down and unpack my life.

Josh and I have been living at my dads house for 2- going on 3- months now and I have really been enjoying it. I love being close to my family. I get to see my little brother all the time and it's great to have a relationship with him. We have a yard! I never thought I could take having a yard for granted.

This makes us want to buy a house. We're thinking that buying a house is in our near future. We are still doing our homework and figuring out exactly what it is going to look like financially but we have also discovered that what we would pay a month to buy would be almost the same (a little more) that renting. Bah! We are excited.

At the same time, Josh is going back to school in the next year. He only has a couple years left, which is exciting. He's called to be a youth pastor so then we question buying a house now, or waiting until he gets placed in a church.
He wants to do Moody Bible Institutes distant learning program. That way we could maintain our lives here in Minnesota, buy a house and work at Foss. We enjoy our lives here. However, now that it's finally nice outside... we 're thinking it would be nice to skip out on a snowy winter or two. So, do we move out of state for a few years? It's certainly an option.

We just don't know. Haha. We want a lot of things and waiting is hard. Renting is harder. We hate renting but it might need to happen again. I would love to pick up and move out of state- hypothetically. The moving doesn't scare me, it's the not having a job that scares me. In that case, it's all about who you know. Hey! We have a sister in California.... hmmmm.

I'm ambitious about a lot of things. I'm also very comfortable here, and I want my level of content to match that comfort.

Patience. Yes. Let us all be thankful for patience.

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