Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Almost a year later

We are just ten days away from our one year anniversary. It feels like it has been longer, but in all reality Josh and I haven't known each other for even two years yet. Naturally, a lot has happened!

Here... I'll bring you up to date...

June 2009: We met... we say, for the record, that we didn't start 'dating' until August of that year...

December 3rd, 2009: Josh proposed.... 

May 14, 2010: We got married

A lot happened in those 11 months. We even made an addition to our little family in that time. We call this one Albert. Whose now a fatty cat, a very loved fatty cat.

We lived in Saint Paul for the first 10 months, and now live with my dad. It's our hope that we'll never have to rent again. 
God has opened the door for us to buy a house. Where? We still don't know. 
We've just begun the process of paying off our debt and saving money. So far, we've accomplished to pay off our student loans.
For Josh, this is huge! He hasn't been able to continue going to school for several years because of his loan. With that paid off, he has his transcripts, his FAFSA is filled out and his application to Moody is almost finished!

No, no... we won't be moving to Chicago. Josh has decided to go with their distance education program. Which, allows us to stay where we are. Furthering our hopes of being home owners. 

Right now we are both working as Swim Instructors at Foss Swim School, and we love it. We work with kids all day and that alone is super rewarding. 

It's a very exciting time for us. We have a lot of hopes for the next year. Pray with us as we pray for the Lords direction. 

Where to live?
What college should Josh attend?
Should we buy a home now?
When should we have a baby? Cause somedays... I want one pretty bad.
What church will we call home? 

The summer is fast approaching... a lot of people have been asking... 'Are you going back to camp?'. Sadly, the answer is no. We'll be at Foss, working as much as possible, to save as much as possible.

Anniversary plans? YES! Tattoos.. and if those don't work out a new pair of shoes and a fancy dinner will suffice. 

Well, thats about all that is on the surface of my head for now. I'll post a better update when I'm feeling more clever :) 

love love love,


  1. Congrats on the, almost, one year anniversary! Wow time flies. Excited for your future as well! I'll definitely keep you two in prayer! God is so good. Abe and I are working on paying off debts and saving for a house as well. So exciting. I hear Foss is the place to be, my cousin works there too. ;]

    Jen Sewill

  2. :) LOVE YOU SISTER. Great to have you at the house, although i dont see you enough... But fatty kitty i love :)

  3. You have a BLOG!? This is wonderful! I will be blog stalking you from here on out. Hope that's okay :)

    P.S. You're so beautiful it's stupid. And so is your hot husband.
