Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Here's to being thankful for the simple things...

Day 4:

A day off!

I work 6 days a week and smack-dab in the middle of that week is Wednesday. My day off. It's a precious day.

Some Wednesdays, when I'm feeling ambitious, I'll seek out a lunch date with a friend, do laundry or run errands.

Some Wednesdays, like this one, I do a whole lot of nothing and it feels great! I'll sleep till 10 and feel rebellious!

I'm happy to have my Wednesdays.
As of right now Josh and I have the house to ourselves. He's on the ipad looking up houses for sale. I'm blogging and counting down the minutes till the pizza rolls are done cooking in the oven.

We'll eat.
We'll "balance the check book" (More or less seeing how much money we have till our next pay day).
He'll leave for work.
I'll pretend like working out sounds like a good idea.
I'll start doing laundry, and forget about it.
I'll end up watching America's Funniest Home Videos.
My mom will call and invite me over for American Idol. I'll go; for the free steak dinner.
Idol will be over, Josh will call to say he's done with work, we'll both go home and end our night with something from Netflix.

It's really the perfect day.

Especially for an introvert like me (surprised?) I need my alone time. Today is pretty much the only time I can get it. 

Next Wednesday just happens to be my birthday. How lucky am I?! I'll be 23. Incase you were wondering.

So.... yeah...

I think that's all I have. It's a simple day.

Till tomorrow,


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