Sunday, May 15, 2011

Three in One.

Ahhh.... I am two days behind! But, it's not my fault. Yesterday was my anniversary (I was busy) and the day before blogger was unavailable. There, I stand (sit) justified.

Let me catch you up. 

Day 5: I am thankful for dreams.
I just love dreaming. Sometimes they are weird and I don't remember them. Sometimes they are very vivid and I remember everything. Sometimes they are bad and I want to forget them. Sometimes they are wicked awesome and they make me feel supernatural. I think flying dreams are my favorite. I have them all the time. The dreams that freak me out are the ones where I'm running from something and I can barely move fast enough. 
I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere that if you can remember your dream then that means you didn't sleep well enough. Sitnks for me, I almost always remember mine. They got me through highschool and college creative writing. 
Nothing spectacular. I just like dreaming. 

Day 6:  I am thankful that I enjoy working out.

I'm not a fitness not, by any means. I eat like crap but I love working out. It gives me a lot of energy and it feels good. We just got a membership at Snap Fitness and we totally love it. Yes. I love working out. Again, nothing spectacular. 

TODAY would be Day 7:  I'm actually really tired today and feeing extremely antisocial. Josh, really wants to take advantage of the sunny day and go play volleyball. I really love volleyball. It's a great time.  We didn't work out today so this is going to have to suffice for today. 
I'm also watching Robin Hood: Price of Thieves with Kevin Costner. Total hottie.
So, I'm thankful for a few things today. 
1. A husband who love volleyball.
2. Friends who love us enough to hang with us.
3. Kevin Costner. The younger years. Waterword. Enough said.

So, a totally boring update today. Which is fantastic. 

If you're wondering what we did for our anniversary, that's a simple answer too. We worked until 2:30, then we went home and got ready for our work out. Had a blast working out. Then, around 5 we went to one of our favorite restaurants, The Orchid, and had pot-stickers, chicken fried rice, steamed seabass in ginger and a couple-o drinks. Indulged. Went home. I took a nap, he watched TV... later we made a cake and had some cake and ice cream. Yes, it took a lot of planning. 

Well, that's about all. Like I said, tired and antisocial.

Love ya, though.


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