Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Break

Dear Thanksgiving Break,

I just wanted to take the time to let you know how perfect your timing was. I cannot begin to express how badly I needed 6 days straight to do absolutely nothing. You had big plans for me and they were all very exciting. You kept Josh and I very busy, to the point where or last full day off rolled around and we decided to shut out the world and hide in our cave. Which, was awesome and exciting as well. We finally got our new TOMS and are excited to strut around in them.

We spent an evening playing games with Josh's siblings at Dave and Busters, in Maple Grove, where we got the Wii game Just Dance 3.

On Thursday we spent the day with the Schultz's for Thanksgiving. We were lucky enough to have Sara and Becca spend the night too!

It was awesome spending 3 days catching up with our brothers and sisters. I know Josh misses them a lot and it was a huge blessing to actually have time off of work so we could spend an entire day (or 3) with them.

Saturday was nice too. We went to church and hung out with the Club K kids. Then got to have dinner with my parents.

There was something for us to do everyday. Including a little Christmas shopping. Josh got me a new camera for Christmas, but gave it to me early so I could actually use it before then. It takes some really nice photos.

By the end of you, Thanksgiving Break, I was exhausted and completely filled up at the same time. You left me with a lot of fun memories and some things to look forward to. Now, we go back to work and wait for your sister Christmas Break, to arrive. Where we will no doubt have another awesome time. So, thank you.

I hope everyone had an awesome and blessed thanksgiving. In light of the holiday season, let me share this...

Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most out of every opportunity.
Let your conversation always be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
Colossians 4:5-6

Josh and I had a particularly difficult time (emotionally and spiritually) this Thanksgiving. Both our parents are divorced. My mom is remarried, my dad is basically remarried (I love Becky!), Josh's dad is newly remarried and with all those new family branches it can be very difficult to make everyone happy. Well, really, we can't make them all happy and this year we didn't really try. We know that it's a give and take situation all around. This year we spent Thanksgiving with Josh's family. It was hard to not see my family but that's how it goes. There's a lot of heartache surrounding us when it comes to family. Josh was placed in a difficult situation and came out on the other side stronger and better. I thank God for the wisdom He has given my husband, and for the supporting family he does have. I pray for them constantly for the difficult times to come and hope that the blessings out number the burdens. 

Continue to pray! We're thankful for your support. 

Till Christmas (probably),


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