Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hello, Shadow.

The sun is out today. I'm happy for that. The last two months have flown by and I can't remember where yesterday went. I can promise I was working. I'm a work-aholic. I won't deny that. Halloween was my first day off since the start of September and it was awesome. We didn't celebrate Halloween this year. Really, there was nothing I wanted to do more than sit at home, carve pumpkins with the Hubs and wait for the 6 trick or treaters in the neighborhood. I burned the pumpkin seeds this year, total bummer.

Josh and I have officially been married for a year and a half, yay! Which means that in 6 months the cold weather will be over with. There is a light at the end of this tunnel.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, we are super excited to see family and have 5 days off, in a row! wooo! It's fun to get ready for Christmas. I've already written a page worth of gift ideas for Josh and my mom. This will be our 3rd Christmas together, and this will be the first time we actually buy gifts for each other that we don't open as soon as it gets through the door. I'm determined to wait until Christmas.

Okay, here come the updates.

Josh is now a manager at work, yay!
We are both serving in the Elementary ministry at church as small group leaders.
We're completely out of debt and have reached over 60% of our savings goals.
We're addicted to saving, which has postponed our desire to buy a house as soon as possible. We've watch a handful of friend buy homes recently and its helped us to know how we can be more prepared then we are now. So, we're going to sit tight at my dads, for a while, and see where we are in the spring.

I'm really not looking forward to snow or cold weather. I'm trying to keep my head up and not let the season change get me in a funk. It usually marks the season of a spiritual drought. I'm holding on to God's truth, and with Josh's help, relying on God to get me through.

This is a short and sweet one. There's not much to say right now. I feel like I barely have time to think, let alone blog. So, don't be surprised if it's February before I write again.


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