Monday, June 13, 2011

Stupid Skinhead.

The title has nothing to do with the post. I was listening to the band "This Bike is a Pipe Bomb" and that was gently inserted at the end of the song and I thought it was funny because I don't think it went with the song either.

Anyhoo, funny story. Josh and I came home last night from a work event and decided we'd watch a movie on Netflix. The last few nights, I have been picking the movie...mostly romantic dramas that take place in the 1800's. Apparently I'm a sucker for chick flicks. So, to avoid being made fun of for picking yet another cheesy love movie, I thought I would let Josh pick the movie. What did he choose you ask? .... Step Up 3.
That's right. A hip and happening dance flick where, let me tell you, is a very flirty and sexy love story. Oh, but.... he only watches it for the dancing.

Which may be true.

This also inspires my husband. To be a hip and happening dancer. This morning we finished the movie. Afterwards, we went down stairs and promptly got our dance on. I taped this without telling him. Though I'm surprised I didn't give it away with how much I was making sure we were still in the frame.

Check it.

We're so graceful. Not to mention Josh is a devil on the dance floor. 

Back to the update. We got a new work schedule today. I'm super excited that it's finally summer. We were both ready to mix things up a bit. If all goes well, we could be home owners in the next 5 months. Josh also told me that when we move into our new place.... I could get a friend for our dear Albert. 

I feel boring, I don't know what else to update on. There's nothing exciting like... babies or anything.

I think I may have found a woman (older and wiser) to casually be my mentor of sorts. Which, I've been praying for and wanting one of those for quite some time now. I'm looking forward to having that kind of relationship again. I need someone who can pour into me. That way, I can pour into someone else. 
Speaking of which, I'm getting antsy for a place to invest in. Basically, a church and a community. We were attending Eagle Brook in Lino Lakes and really liked it and now that we have Sundays off it's looking like we'll be able to attend on a regular basis.

So yes. I'll end it here.

Oh, yes, before I forget. I am grateful to be married to a man who I can act a fool with and someone who likes to dance like he's got squirrels in his pants. We have a lot of fun. Which is great. I have yet to get bored.



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