What I'm Reading

I was struggling for a while on where to go with my devotional time.
My mind and heart have been asking a lot of questions about what it really means to live a life after Jesus. Simply put, it is just that... living like Jesus lived, but in order to live like Jesus, we need to know how he lived. His entire life is the standard of how to live. 
There's a piece in 2 Peter 2:21 about how "it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them"..... I wanted to know what that sacred command part was referring to. I don't know that I have an answer, but it did lead me to want a complete list of all the things Jesus commanded us to do. So far, it's a pretty hefty list and I felt pretty small after getting a quarter way down the page. 
Somehow, it all lead me to the book of Luke. I'm currently on chapter 3, where John the Baptist is preparing the way for Christ by baptizing people as a way to prepare your hearts for Christ. As he's baptizing people, they are asking him questions about what they should be doing and all of John's answers are in regards to how they treat people.

 The question as I see it "What might indicate that I am sensitive to God?" A life that shows the fruit of caring about God by caring about others. Submit to God and serve others. 

As I pursue to live a life after Jesus, I pray that I can care about other above myself.