Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Sunshine

Apparently, I'm not the greatest at blogging. So, instead of cramming several "thankful days" into one. I'll do one at a time. Perhaps this will go longer than 30 days. However, I'm okay with that!

Day 8: I am thankful for sunshine! More than that, I'm thankful for Gods romance.
Sunny days make me want to wear a dress and twirl around. 
Sunny days make me wish the lakes were warm enough to swim in. 
Sunny days make me wish I was tan. Kind of. 

Somewhere in the book "Captivating" by Stasi and John Eldredge there is a chapter on being romanced by God. What I took from that chapter was that God uses His creation to romance His people. 

Here are a few images of God's creation that He's created to romance me. (yes, He's thinking of you) 


A huge sunset over water

Rays of sunshine


I could insert a picture of Josh too, but that might be cheesy. So I'll skip it. haha.

Here's to being romanced today...


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