Monday, May 9, 2011

The goof to my ball.

I took the title from an e-harmony commercial. Or maybe it was I don't remember.

Day 2:

Mr. Joshua Lewis Schultz.

I was going to wait until our anniversary this weekend to talk about him. However, as I was praying this morning on what God would have me dwell on being thankful for today, the only person (or thing) that came to my mind is my husband.

He's not just my husband. He's my best friend. Which, is how it should be.

Here was my list (before we met) of what I wanted in a future husband...

An initiator: in the pursuit of a relationship, I refused to do the pursuing. 
He has to be strong: I'm a strong person, I need someone stronger than me, to lead me.
Taller and Older: Trivial, but yet it mattered.
He has to love Jesus more than anything, including me.
He has to be funny: I get bored easy... so yes, I wanted someone who would entertain me. I wanted someone who could not just allow me to be really goofy, but play along.
He has to be capable of having intelligent conversation.
Someone hungry to learn.
Someone who will pray with me.
He has to be called to a life ministry.
Someone who can forgive.
Family orientated.
Someone who wants a handful of kids.
Someone adventurous. 
Someone who will work out with me.
A total hottie. haha...yep!

I had several lists of what I wanted in a husband. This is the only one I could find. There's a few things missing but I can't seem to recall what they were.

I read that and am amazed at how Josh fits each one of those.

I'm more amazed at God. He knows me better than I know myself.
Josh has several qualities and character traits that aren't on that list, yet I absolutely need those things as well.

For example; someone who isn't afraid to call me out on my crap. Yep! I need that one.

Josh has humility. He leads me in his humility. I definitely need that example.
Josh has patience. He leads me in his patience. I need that too. A lot.
Josh is disciplined in being with the Lord daily. In the Word and in prayer. He leads me in that, too.

Anyone who knows Josh (or both of us) knows that, without a doubt, we were molded for each other. He has the ability to pick up where I left off and push me to becoming a better person.

I'm proud of the man he is, and the man he is continuing to become.
I'm proud of the mistakes he's made because of the way he's handled it.
I rejoice in the things that break his heart, because I know that God's hand is at work.
I'm blessed that he cares enough for me to put me in my place.
I'm blessed that he cares about our marriage as much as he does. He's always striving to be the best husband he can be. He leads me in this too.

He's a great friend to those who know him well.

Did I mention that he's a really talented drummer and guitarist? Yeah, that's hot.

Even all of this doesn't do him justice.

God is good. He is faithful. When I was in my least deserving moment, God brought Josh into my life and said "here, this one is for you." 

I once was told to give my "list of needs and wants" to God and let Him show me just how creative He could be.

He totally did. Beyond what I could have imagined.

So, Josh, I love you.
You're amazing. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for loving me. I'm proud of you, and forever grateful to have you for my husband. Thank you for being an inspiration. Thanks for scratching my back and rubbing my feet. Thank you for letting Albert (our cat) sleep on the bed with us. Thank you for being so freakin hilarious that I'm often rendered speechless.

I love you, Josh.

=] sam

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