Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You have to KICK faster!

Day 3:

My job.

I am thankful to have a job.
I'm thankful that this job pays well.
I like my job a lot. Which means more to me than the money.

Josh and I made an agreement early in our relationship when it came to work. We said that we would never take a job for the money. Also, that it would be more important to love what we do over the hours we work to the amount we get paid.

We kind of hit the jackpot with this one. We love what we do. Financially, we're totally fine.

Although I got lucky with hours and wage, the job means more to me than that. If you didn't know, I teach kids how to swim. I love kids. I love water. I love swimming. So far, there's nothing to complain about.
So, you might be surprised that it's very easy to really dislike this job, at times. Who would have thought that kids can drive you absolutely crazy?! It's really easy to forget that kids are just that... kids. Most of my swimmers aren't even in the 3rd grade yet. It shocks me how quickly I lose sight of that. I teach anywhere from 3 years to 14 years. If you read my blog "30 day challenge" then you'll know I'm a person with high expectations... those expectations are often projected onto these kids. Which is so wrong.

I mean, it's okay to expect things from them like respect. (I believe the most crucial time to develop respect is when kids are young.) However, I catch myself getting frustrated with these buggers for stupid things like...when I think they aren't kicking fast enough. Forbid these kids should get tired! I mean, c'mon! haha... nooo...
Or... obsessing more on getting all my kids to the next level more than focusing on being patient with them and truly teaching them to master the skill at hand.
At that age, every skill learned is a big deal! Regardless if they are going to the next level or not.

It can be hard to teach every class with 100% enthusiasm and effort.
Something my job working as a camp counselor taught me was that for you, this is your 6th week counseling, for them... this is their 1st week camping. They deserve your best.

It might be my second to last class of the day, and all I can think about is getting home, but these kids deserve my best.

How can I expect their best, if I'm unwilling to give them mine?

So, when I'm frustrated and checking out... I remind myself...

They are all precious in HIS sight.

We are fearfully and wonderfully made.
These kids are learning more than swimming. For most, they learn (at some point) how to conquer fear. I get to be the one who holds their hand in the process.

Enjoy my kids.

Each child I teach has a favorite color, a pillow pet, a favorite sport, a different story and a unique personality. It's possible to know them, and like them... and what better way to love them?

I may not be working in a church, but I can still serve God through serving these kids, their families and my co-workers.

Do I do a good job? Not always, but I won't stop trying.

Can I teach swimming to further the Kingdom of God? Absolutely.

In the words of Saint Francis  "Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary, use words."

Until tomorrow,


(not a picture of anyone I know. Simple google search)

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