Monday, December 12, 2011

Fire Code

Dear Fire Code,

You really suck. Yes, I know... I said the "s" word. However, you came at a good time. I have God to thank for that one. Your visit to my place of residence this last week was definitely unwelcome. Now that you've muddied my carpet and spilled on my sofa, I'm happy to say that we are no longer living (sleeping) in a basement without egress windows. You're welcome. You can tell your friend, City Inspection, not to bother showing up this Tuesday, it won't be necessary. He will come, and he will leave without finding anything. Except maybe a new work out area and some 3lb hand weights. Go big or go home! 

As a result of your visit, my husband and I have come to the agreement that God is closing this door. (The one where we live at my dads) What does this mean? We are taking real steps into becoming home owners. We have selected a real-estate agent and have applied for a mortgage. It's apparently a slow process, and only a few things can be done quickly and over the internet. The rest of it has to be done in person on the opposite side of town. 

Like most new and scary things, I find this one stressful and at times discouraging. I blame you. However, I trust God has a plan, and He has good things for me. And so, despite your best efforts, I cling to His word.

"There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. Be wise, and keep your heart on the right path"
-Provers 23:18-19
Christmas is right around the corner. I could not be happier to get this season over with. I got my new work schedule. Josh and I won't be working 7 days a week anymore. Score! Lots of opportunities to be had all over the place. We're praying for wisdom in decision making and discernment in the gray areas. We want to be able to trust those who have been placed to lead us, yet faith is often blind and God calls us to trust and respect our leaders. Well, respect for sure. He's asking me to trust.

Also, I miss my brother, Joe, whose currently in Afghanistan, doing the war thing. I say "thing" because it's a secret and he cannot disclose his where abouts or what abouts. 

That's my update. Thanks for reading.


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