Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fatty Cat

Instead of saying "days" I'm going with "Number".... I just can't seem to get on here every day, and the days where I can and choose not to, is because I don't feel clever enough.

The 9th thing that I am grateful for is my cat.
He's amazing. Just a cuddle bug of love. Right now he's sitting in the window next to me, watching the birds. He makes funny faces when he gets to look out side. This is rare for him. He's not supposed to be upstairs. However, my dad is gone so he can pretty much do whatever he wants. Don't tell my dad I said that.
But really.... Albert is our comedian.
His favorite toy is a green ear plug.
He's the most obnoxious when he thinks he's starving to death. Fatty cat.
He's adorable because he follows me every where. He even sleeps under the blankets, head on the pillow- right next to me- at night.
He's smart because when Josh enters the room he immediately submits to him.
He's a jerk because he thinks the hot iron chord is a toy.
He's a tool when he randomly attacks me. Apparently the chain of command goes Josh, him then me.

All in all... he's great and I love my fatty cat. He's great company.

That's enough about my cat.

So... three days ago was my 23rd birthday. It was a good time. I got to see almost everyone whose important to me.

Josh kicked off my morning with breakfast in bed, coffee and flowers. We worked out. He went to work. My mom picked me up and took me to the store to pick out a dessert (Cheesecake). I got some monies to spend as I wish. A rare thing, indeed. I had grandma's homemade tacos with my mom, Chris, Evan and my dad. Then I ended my night at the Tavern with a few pals. It was a busy day, but it was fantastic.

Since then I've been exhausted. We have three more weeks at work before it's officially the summer session and we get a new schedule. The winds of change are blowing.

It's a beautiful day.

Well, that's all I got....

Here's a picture of the fatty cat. So.... classy

Peace and blessings.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Sunshine

Apparently, I'm not the greatest at blogging. So, instead of cramming several "thankful days" into one. I'll do one at a time. Perhaps this will go longer than 30 days. However, I'm okay with that!

Day 8: I am thankful for sunshine! More than that, I'm thankful for Gods romance.
Sunny days make me want to wear a dress and twirl around. 
Sunny days make me wish the lakes were warm enough to swim in. 
Sunny days make me wish I was tan. Kind of. 

Somewhere in the book "Captivating" by Stasi and John Eldredge there is a chapter on being romanced by God. What I took from that chapter was that God uses His creation to romance His people. 

Here are a few images of God's creation that He's created to romance me. (yes, He's thinking of you) 


A huge sunset over water

Rays of sunshine


I could insert a picture of Josh too, but that might be cheesy. So I'll skip it. haha.

Here's to being romanced today...


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Three in One.

Ahhh.... I am two days behind! But, it's not my fault. Yesterday was my anniversary (I was busy) and the day before blogger was unavailable. There, I stand (sit) justified.

Let me catch you up. 

Day 5: I am thankful for dreams.
I just love dreaming. Sometimes they are weird and I don't remember them. Sometimes they are very vivid and I remember everything. Sometimes they are bad and I want to forget them. Sometimes they are wicked awesome and they make me feel supernatural. I think flying dreams are my favorite. I have them all the time. The dreams that freak me out are the ones where I'm running from something and I can barely move fast enough. 
I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere that if you can remember your dream then that means you didn't sleep well enough. Sitnks for me, I almost always remember mine. They got me through highschool and college creative writing. 
Nothing spectacular. I just like dreaming. 

Day 6:  I am thankful that I enjoy working out.

I'm not a fitness not, by any means. I eat like crap but I love working out. It gives me a lot of energy and it feels good. We just got a membership at Snap Fitness and we totally love it. Yes. I love working out. Again, nothing spectacular. 

TODAY would be Day 7:  I'm actually really tired today and feeing extremely antisocial. Josh, really wants to take advantage of the sunny day and go play volleyball. I really love volleyball. It's a great time.  We didn't work out today so this is going to have to suffice for today. 
I'm also watching Robin Hood: Price of Thieves with Kevin Costner. Total hottie.
So, I'm thankful for a few things today. 
1. A husband who love volleyball.
2. Friends who love us enough to hang with us.
3. Kevin Costner. The younger years. Waterword. Enough said.

So, a totally boring update today. Which is fantastic. 

If you're wondering what we did for our anniversary, that's a simple answer too. We worked until 2:30, then we went home and got ready for our work out. Had a blast working out. Then, around 5 we went to one of our favorite restaurants, The Orchid, and had pot-stickers, chicken fried rice, steamed seabass in ginger and a couple-o drinks. Indulged. Went home. I took a nap, he watched TV... later we made a cake and had some cake and ice cream. Yes, it took a lot of planning. 

Well, that's about all. Like I said, tired and antisocial.

Love ya, though.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Here's to being thankful for the simple things...

Day 4:

A day off!

I work 6 days a week and smack-dab in the middle of that week is Wednesday. My day off. It's a precious day.

Some Wednesdays, when I'm feeling ambitious, I'll seek out a lunch date with a friend, do laundry or run errands.

Some Wednesdays, like this one, I do a whole lot of nothing and it feels great! I'll sleep till 10 and feel rebellious!

I'm happy to have my Wednesdays.
As of right now Josh and I have the house to ourselves. He's on the ipad looking up houses for sale. I'm blogging and counting down the minutes till the pizza rolls are done cooking in the oven.

We'll eat.
We'll "balance the check book" (More or less seeing how much money we have till our next pay day).
He'll leave for work.
I'll pretend like working out sounds like a good idea.
I'll start doing laundry, and forget about it.
I'll end up watching America's Funniest Home Videos.
My mom will call and invite me over for American Idol. I'll go; for the free steak dinner.
Idol will be over, Josh will call to say he's done with work, we'll both go home and end our night with something from Netflix.

It's really the perfect day.

Especially for an introvert like me (surprised?) I need my alone time. Today is pretty much the only time I can get it. 

Next Wednesday just happens to be my birthday. How lucky am I?! I'll be 23. Incase you were wondering.

So.... yeah...

I think that's all I have. It's a simple day.

Till tomorrow,


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You have to KICK faster!

Day 3:

My job.

I am thankful to have a job.
I'm thankful that this job pays well.
I like my job a lot. Which means more to me than the money.

Josh and I made an agreement early in our relationship when it came to work. We said that we would never take a job for the money. Also, that it would be more important to love what we do over the hours we work to the amount we get paid.

We kind of hit the jackpot with this one. We love what we do. Financially, we're totally fine.

Although I got lucky with hours and wage, the job means more to me than that. If you didn't know, I teach kids how to swim. I love kids. I love water. I love swimming. So far, there's nothing to complain about.
So, you might be surprised that it's very easy to really dislike this job, at times. Who would have thought that kids can drive you absolutely crazy?! It's really easy to forget that kids are just that... kids. Most of my swimmers aren't even in the 3rd grade yet. It shocks me how quickly I lose sight of that. I teach anywhere from 3 years to 14 years. If you read my blog "30 day challenge" then you'll know I'm a person with high expectations... those expectations are often projected onto these kids. Which is so wrong.

I mean, it's okay to expect things from them like respect. (I believe the most crucial time to develop respect is when kids are young.) However, I catch myself getting frustrated with these buggers for stupid things like...when I think they aren't kicking fast enough. Forbid these kids should get tired! I mean, c'mon! haha... nooo...
Or... obsessing more on getting all my kids to the next level more than focusing on being patient with them and truly teaching them to master the skill at hand.
At that age, every skill learned is a big deal! Regardless if they are going to the next level or not.

It can be hard to teach every class with 100% enthusiasm and effort.
Something my job working as a camp counselor taught me was that for you, this is your 6th week counseling, for them... this is their 1st week camping. They deserve your best.

It might be my second to last class of the day, and all I can think about is getting home, but these kids deserve my best.

How can I expect their best, if I'm unwilling to give them mine?

So, when I'm frustrated and checking out... I remind myself...

They are all precious in HIS sight.

We are fearfully and wonderfully made.
These kids are learning more than swimming. For most, they learn (at some point) how to conquer fear. I get to be the one who holds their hand in the process.

Enjoy my kids.

Each child I teach has a favorite color, a pillow pet, a favorite sport, a different story and a unique personality. It's possible to know them, and like them... and what better way to love them?

I may not be working in a church, but I can still serve God through serving these kids, their families and my co-workers.

Do I do a good job? Not always, but I won't stop trying.

Can I teach swimming to further the Kingdom of God? Absolutely.

In the words of Saint Francis  "Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary, use words."

Until tomorrow,


(not a picture of anyone I know. Simple google search)

Monday, May 9, 2011

The goof to my ball.

I took the title from an e-harmony commercial. Or maybe it was I don't remember.

Day 2:

Mr. Joshua Lewis Schultz.

I was going to wait until our anniversary this weekend to talk about him. However, as I was praying this morning on what God would have me dwell on being thankful for today, the only person (or thing) that came to my mind is my husband.

He's not just my husband. He's my best friend. Which, is how it should be.

Here was my list (before we met) of what I wanted in a future husband...

An initiator: in the pursuit of a relationship, I refused to do the pursuing. 
He has to be strong: I'm a strong person, I need someone stronger than me, to lead me.
Taller and Older: Trivial, but yet it mattered.
He has to love Jesus more than anything, including me.
He has to be funny: I get bored easy... so yes, I wanted someone who would entertain me. I wanted someone who could not just allow me to be really goofy, but play along.
He has to be capable of having intelligent conversation.
Someone hungry to learn.
Someone who will pray with me.
He has to be called to a life ministry.
Someone who can forgive.
Family orientated.
Someone who wants a handful of kids.
Someone adventurous. 
Someone who will work out with me.
A total hottie. haha...yep!

I had several lists of what I wanted in a husband. This is the only one I could find. There's a few things missing but I can't seem to recall what they were.

I read that and am amazed at how Josh fits each one of those.

I'm more amazed at God. He knows me better than I know myself.
Josh has several qualities and character traits that aren't on that list, yet I absolutely need those things as well.

For example; someone who isn't afraid to call me out on my crap. Yep! I need that one.

Josh has humility. He leads me in his humility. I definitely need that example.
Josh has patience. He leads me in his patience. I need that too. A lot.
Josh is disciplined in being with the Lord daily. In the Word and in prayer. He leads me in that, too.

Anyone who knows Josh (or both of us) knows that, without a doubt, we were molded for each other. He has the ability to pick up where I left off and push me to becoming a better person.

I'm proud of the man he is, and the man he is continuing to become.
I'm proud of the mistakes he's made because of the way he's handled it.
I rejoice in the things that break his heart, because I know that God's hand is at work.
I'm blessed that he cares enough for me to put me in my place.
I'm blessed that he cares about our marriage as much as he does. He's always striving to be the best husband he can be. He leads me in this too.

He's a great friend to those who know him well.

Did I mention that he's a really talented drummer and guitarist? Yeah, that's hot.

Even all of this doesn't do him justice.

God is good. He is faithful. When I was in my least deserving moment, God brought Josh into my life and said "here, this one is for you." 

I once was told to give my "list of needs and wants" to God and let Him show me just how creative He could be.

He totally did. Beyond what I could have imagined.

So, Josh, I love you.
You're amazing. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for loving me. I'm proud of you, and forever grateful to have you for my husband. Thank you for being an inspiration. Thanks for scratching my back and rubbing my feet. Thank you for letting Albert (our cat) sleep on the bed with us. Thank you for being so freakin hilarious that I'm often rendered speechless.

I love you, Josh.

=] sam

Sunday, May 8, 2011

30 day challenge

This isn't the Facebook picture challenge.

Something I feel God has been working with me on for a long time is having a heart of gratitude. I tend to be someone with high expectations. Whether it's for myself, for others or about life in general.
I have extremely high expectations.
There are definitely situations where high expectations are good, but mostly... it's a struggle.

Along with having high expectations comes a sense of entitlement.
I deserve this.
Truthfully, I deserve nothing.
In the quiet of my heart I know that. To everyone else.... they probably wouldn't see it.

So... that all leads me to a place where I don't appreciate the simple things, I don't count my blessings a lot, and I don't offer a lot of praise or gratitude to the one whose offering all this to me.

My 30 day challenge is picking one thing, every day, that I'm thankful for.

Day One:

I am thankful for my mother.

Mom, if you read this... bare with me. It gets good =]

Since it's Mothers Day, it seems appropriate to talk about my mother.
Anyone that knows me well, undoubtably knows that my relationship with my mother has been one of my biggest struggles and one of my biggest victories (though really I did nothing, it was Christ who did everything). I made it a point for the better part of 7 years to not have a good relationship with my mother. I felt she deserved to lose me as her daughter and that I had the right to take it from her. (Another story, another time)
Needless to say, in the late fall of 2007, I was a first year student at Fort Myers Masters Commission... a very angry, bitter, entitled and.... self serving first year student. (But really, who wasn't at least one of those things?)
3 months after being that I received my very first spiritual smack in the face.
 I was a bitter and unforgiving person. 

It first started with my struggle to be forgiven.
After I received forgiveness and forgave myself, God called me to forgive.
My first opportunity (test) was my mother. I reserved a spot in my heart specifically for her; and it was a bitter chamber.
After a few weeks of praying to feel different about her and feel forgiveness for her. Nothing changed. It was then that I really heard for the first time that forgiveness, like love, is a choice.
I had to choose it. I had to choose to forgive and to love. Which is a lot harder than it simply being taken from you. Heh.

So, I chose forgiveness. Yay! Victory!

Not so much....

God then told me I had to call her and tell her.

So I did. It sucked.

I felt defeated all over again.

Gently, God reminded me, you chose to forgive her, now walk in that forgiveness. Choose it every moment of everyday.

So I did, and I felt it was going reall well. Until my next "test" came. I was told something about my mother that I could have easily gotten mad at her for, and held forgiveness over her head. I felt myself getting angry and bitter.

Again, He reminded me, you chose forgiveness.... what is your choice now? 

I knew in my heart my choice was forgiveness. That was the first moment that began to feel forgiveness for my mother.

After almost 4 years later, and a lot of "open heart surgery" on Gods part. I can honestly say I love my mother. I don't just love her, I like her. A lot. I find myself wanting to spend time with her more than some of my girl friends.

She's funny.
She's smart.
She's beautiful.
She loves Jesus.
She loves her husband.
She loves her kids.
She loves.

Through my mother, God taught me the most valuable thing; forgiveness.

Little did I know, my marriage would require a lot of forgiveness. On both parts. I'm thankful to know what I know and have learned what I did, when I did. I'm a wife who doesn't struggle with bitterness and (well.. sometimes I do...) unforgiveness.

You're amazing. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for laying yourself down for you family.
You're the best.


Friday, May 6, 2011

20 bucks

Today is payday!
Today we are rolling in dough...
Today is bill pay day.
Today we are broke....

Today I am reminded of where my provision truly comes from. I am reminded of the birds; and how much more does my Father provide for me.

Josh and I count ourselves blessed to be only 4 short months from being out of debt. (It's funny to me that a year later I'm still making payments for our wedding.)

Today we are one step closer to college.
Today we are one step closer to having a home of our own.
Today we are one step closer to having a family.

Today we have peace, joy and the desire to remain financially disciplined. Let's be honest... it's a lot of fun to go out to eat, buy movies and shoes... TOMS!

If you haven't heard of TOMS shoes you should look it up
For every pair you purchase, they donate a pair of new shoes to a child in need. All over the world.
Did I mention they look neat and are super comfortable?

There's my plug for the day.

God provides =] yes yes yes

"Make me love, give me wisdom, keep me humble"

loves =]

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mastered; or a desire to be.

My thoughts today are coming from 2 Peter 2:17-22. (... for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him.)

For the last several months I've, yet again, found myself really dropping the ball when it comes to being a Christ Follower and living according to His calling. This happens all too often and every time it does happen it gets that much more frustrating. I see all this time wasted, all these relationships that could have been more fruitful.... if I hadn't been so... lazy. More than that, I get to the point where my pride gets in the way of conviction. I very much feel the conviction but I don't want to admit it or change it. All because I simply don't want to right now. Procrastination.


As always, it's been a slow going getting back on my feet.

My mom gave me a book to read by Francine Rivers called "A Voice in the Wind". It's about this young Jewess named Hadassah who was a christian. She was taken from her home in Jerusalem and sold as a slave in Rome. SPOILER ALERT. She's bought into a home to serve as the young daughters personal slave. The family worshiped pagan gods and goddesses, which at first really freaked Hadassah out. She clung to her relationship with God and served this household with true love, compassion, loyalty and freedom. It confused her owners to the point of questioning her about how she, who has nothing and is nothing, can be so content and serve with such love. It opened up the door for her to talk about this 'unseen god' that she loved and served. She believed that God calls us all to a life of servant hood. She served her owners well because she believed that she was, through them, directly serving her Lord.
The story goes on, she completely loves every member of this family, serves them faithfully, no matter what. Hadassah, near the end of the book is given the choice; renounce your faith or die. She stood firm and lost her life. Before she died she was asked why she didn't just lie to save her life. She responded "I've given up what I cannot keep, for something I can never lose"

This book, and her story, has challenged me and encouraged me. It's also reminded me of what it's like to live in that kind of freedom. Also showing me how easy it can be to lose sight of that. Every self serving decision I make brings me closer to being a slave to myself. I can't free me. I've given my heart to many, but Christ lives to set me free.

To Christ I give up what I cannont keep, for something I can never lose. Thanks Hadassah. :)

This has been a spiritual update on me. Obviously. :) If you took the time to read it all, I appreciate it.

Thank you for your continued prayer for Josh and I. We love it, we need it. We're blessed to be surrounded by you.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Almost a year later

We are just ten days away from our one year anniversary. It feels like it has been longer, but in all reality Josh and I haven't known each other for even two years yet. Naturally, a lot has happened!

Here... I'll bring you up to date...

June 2009: We met... we say, for the record, that we didn't start 'dating' until August of that year...

December 3rd, 2009: Josh proposed.... 

May 14, 2010: We got married

A lot happened in those 11 months. We even made an addition to our little family in that time. We call this one Albert. Whose now a fatty cat, a very loved fatty cat.

We lived in Saint Paul for the first 10 months, and now live with my dad. It's our hope that we'll never have to rent again. 
God has opened the door for us to buy a house. Where? We still don't know. 
We've just begun the process of paying off our debt and saving money. So far, we've accomplished to pay off our student loans.
For Josh, this is huge! He hasn't been able to continue going to school for several years because of his loan. With that paid off, he has his transcripts, his FAFSA is filled out and his application to Moody is almost finished!

No, no... we won't be moving to Chicago. Josh has decided to go with their distance education program. Which, allows us to stay where we are. Furthering our hopes of being home owners. 

Right now we are both working as Swim Instructors at Foss Swim School, and we love it. We work with kids all day and that alone is super rewarding. 

It's a very exciting time for us. We have a lot of hopes for the next year. Pray with us as we pray for the Lords direction. 

Where to live?
What college should Josh attend?
Should we buy a home now?
When should we have a baby? Cause somedays... I want one pretty bad.
What church will we call home? 

The summer is fast approaching... a lot of people have been asking... 'Are you going back to camp?'. Sadly, the answer is no. We'll be at Foss, working as much as possible, to save as much as possible.

Anniversary plans? YES! Tattoos.. and if those don't work out a new pair of shoes and a fancy dinner will suffice. 

Well, thats about all that is on the surface of my head for now. I'll post a better update when I'm feeling more clever :) 

love love love,