Monday, July 16, 2012

South Bound Yankees

Here's my "1 for every 3 months" blog update.

I think I'm finding that 3 months need to go by for me that have enough information worth leading unto the world.

The latest word: We are moving to Florida! It took us almost 4 months to be so sure about it that we felt okay talking about it without a foot-in-mouth experience. I've had to eat my words before; I don't like it.

Here is a list of the most FAQ's we've received (they pretty much go down in this order too). I hope you find it informative.

When are you leaving?
Josh is flying down on August 10th. I plan to leave August 28th.

Why the gap?
My good friends Emilie and Adam are getting married on the 27th, I wouldn't dare miss it. I would regret it immensely. 

 Will I make it that long without him?
Probably not. However, we spent months going back and forth over the best options and this is what he came up with. Plus, it gives Josh 2 weeks to go nuts in Fort Myers without me chasing after him yelling "remember... we don't have health insurance!"

How am I getting there?
I will be road trippin' it up! 

Not alone, I hope?
No, no, no... My gal pal Kate is going to be my driving buddy. Watch out world! 2 blondes at the wheel!

What car?

What's Betsy?
My car. It's a 1998 Chevy Lumina... maroon inside and out. Holla!

You sure it'll make it?
Of course not. That's what makes it a hill billy road trip! I'm joking. Sort of. I'm sure it will make it down... back up? We'll give the magic 8 ball a good shake for that one. 

How long of a drive is it?
About 1,650 miles.... 27ish hours. 

Where exactly are you going?
Fort Myers. Living in housing provided by the church (First Assembly Ministry)

Why are you going?
We have decided to answer God's call to reach the next generation of leaders currently on college campus's. Making us campus missionaries working with an organization called Chi Alpha; an international campus ministry. 

Will you be working for the church?
Yes, in a sense. Though formally, it's an internship.

An internship? 
Yep! As in, unpaid... =]

Will you be able to work part time, on the side?
I'm sure we could, but we are choosing to consider the internship as our full time job and we feel that any work on the side may interfere with our ability to give 100% to Chi Alpha. We're electing to not work part-time.

What will you do for money?
We will be raising support through partnering with people like you! Stay tuned...

You said something about housing provided by the church?
Yep! FAM is allowing us to live rent free and semi-furnished for the duration of the internship. Pretty neat, huh?

That's nice, but what about all your stuff?
Remember Adam and Emilie? We're donating the bulk of our things to them to get them started on their apartment. We won't need our furniture and we don't want to pay to store it, so we decided to put it to good use and give it to someone who will use it and love it. Yay free stuff!

How long will you be gone?
Depends on how you look at it.
9 months up front.
We could be there longer. Too early to tell.

Are you coming back?
I'm sure. In what capacity is unclear. It would be awesome to come back next summer and work at Foss again. Again, too early to tell. We're preparing our selves for anything.

What about Albert?!
I know, right?! Most important question right here. We can't have him at the apartment in Fort Myers, but I'm working on an alternative so that I don't have to give him up. He's like my child! Would you give away your child because he/she may rip up your furniture and pee on the walls? I don't think so. I'll let you know when I know... that way we can all calm down.

What's Albert?
Only the coolest cat, ever.

Will you be able to continue your education?
That's the plan! Josh will be taking steps toward completing his B.A. Probably one class at a time, depending on what we can budget in.


That's about all I got.... feel free to ask us anything!

If you know you would like to be a part of our monthly news letters, please send an e-mail to

If you would like to receive more information about Campus Missions and how to partner with us. Send an e-mail to the above address and I'll give you the hook up.

We also have a group on FaceBook called "Team Schultz 2012" Look it up and join in to get all kinds of updates!

Please pray for us. We have a lot of work to get done before we leave.

Pray for provision for moving expenses.
Pray for Betsy; that she'll make it down.
Pray for the Lord to guide our hearts as we prepare spiritually and emotionally.
Pray for Josh and I; to continue to communicate and keep our heads together as the ball picks up speed. 
Really, just pray. However you feel led.

We love you to pieces.

=] S

p.s You should probably listen to this song.