Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fall Kick-off

Okay, it's been over a month. Apologies.

Where were we? Oh yes, houses.

Still looking, waiting, saving... being patient. As will be the story for the majority of fall and possibly winter. I'm getting to the point, again, where I need to stop looking at houses and trying to do the math. Mostly because we aren't in a place to make an offer, and most of these houses won't even be available by the time we are ready to make an offer. That, and my focus could be in so many more useful areas. Oh, I don't know.. like my marriage! There isn't anything wrong, don't worry. However, we're coming up on a year and a half and since we still get to put ourselves in the excused "newlywed" group, we may as well take advantage of it.

I've been reading this book called "Sheet Music" by Dr. Kevin Leman. Now, I'm not one for "self-help" books. Part of the reason I even read past the first page was Dr. Leman told me "this isn't a self-help book, it's a do-it-yourself book." Thus the book became interesting. That, and it's a book about sex. Not just sex sex, but godly sex within a marriage, sex. Right up my ally!!

I really wanted something that would take the topic, own it, run with it, and completely hit the nail on the head. Which, this book does an excellent job of. Dr. Leman is extremely blunt, and I really appreciated it. His goal in this book isn't only to educate but to inspire. I'm not even done reading the book, and my perspective on martial sex is already totally changed. So here, let me recommend this book to my fellow believers. Who are either married already or engaged and going through marriage counseling. This is some good stuff. Obviously, taking it all with a grain of salt.
After reading this book, I'm kind of on a reading rampage. This same author has several other books that I really want to read. I'll let you know, as a I go....

Anyways, we got new work schedules. Super exciting, yes. We will be working a lot over the next 15 (now 14) weeks. So we could use your prayers for strength and balance.

We've also made a new list of financial goals, which... will be shared with the general public when the time is right. So, please pray for guidance and wisdom as it pertains to financial decisions. You know, house, car, vacation, giving, and someday children.

We officially consider Eagle Brook (lino lakes) our home church now. We met earlier today with the children's pastor to interview for small group leader positions. If all goes well we start on the 24th. Right now the ratio is 20 kids per leader. Pray for that as well! It's a year long commitment! Our next step is to get plugged into a small group. We're still looking for the right one. Surprisingly, they don't have anything for young couples/newly weds. Maybe we'll have to start one.

Well, I'm off to search out a new bed set. Wish me luck! I'll probably pick something really girly, and Josh will hate it. ha. Such is life when you leave the girl with the cash!