Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dreams of Houses

In March of 2011, Josh and I sat down at our high-top excuse for a kitchen table, in our tiny Saint Paul apartment and decided that we wanted more.

More meant more money, more money meant no debt, no debt meant having a "life savings" and having a savings meant having more. Woop!

We then created our 7 month plan to be out of debt and save money. When we did this, however, we were not thinking that this included buying a house. Even though we now want our very own place, we're not pretending like it was ever apart of our 7 month plan. It takes longer to obtain such things. Apparently. Oh no, not bitter or anxious at all...

The plan is "scheduled" to end during October, at which time we are to experience financial freedom! (I can just hear my Mel Gibson "William Wallace" cheerleader egging me on) All sarcasm aside, we have 3 months left and quite a bit to show for it. Our 7 month plan has been revised a lot since it was first brain-stormed, and today I stumbled across the original... It feels so good to say that we underestimated how well this plan would work, and how disciplined we could be in savings. Being disciplined in spending is a totally different conversation, in which I won't be having. Ever

As always, life does not go according to plan and things (car repair and medical bills) happen, funny that those are the things that rarely get budgeted in, yet they are guaranteed to happen at least once a year.

We haven't felt too set back by unforeseen costs. Which has narrowed our housing search down to town-homes so we can experience less of those unforeseen costs, and reinforces my goal to never ever mow the lawn.

Anyhoo, we feel super good, and super accomplished. Praise and glory is all to God on this one. However, we have also been feeling a little convicted lately that we haven't been tithing to a church. We're passed the newbie-don't-feel-obligated phase at Eagle Brook, and we feel that now is the appropriate time to start giving back through Eagle Brook. Two weeks ago, the pastor spoke on this very topic of money, spending and tithing... he said that when he and his wife get paid, they first give back to God, then they save and then they learn to live on whatever is left. Now, if that doesn't challenge my faith in where my provision is, I don't know what will. Like I said in my last blog, I want to learn to suffer well- yet I haven't been challenged too severely.

This month, we start that mind set. God, save, live. As of right now... we'd be short every paycheck. So now, we're looking into the things we can live without. The first to go... our smart phones. I really can live without it. I promise. The next to go will be our oversized restaurant budget. That'll be harder than the smart phone.

So, yes... there you have it. I'm now going to post a few of the town homes we are looking at. In order from like-love. Enjoy, and please.... cast your vote.

I like this one

I like this one a little more

This one makes me really excited

Love this one to pieces

Thanks for following,

~Psalm 144